There was a lot of sun up there during the summer. And the crowds were enormous for a place that is supposed to be a refuge from life. Crowds, like the rain, seemed to pelt in constant rhythm that only subsided for a moment, an hour or a day. But some days were quiet. Usually I'd search for those quiet places for which I could retreat, take in a sight and be alone for, if nothing else a moment. One time I stood at the edge of an overlook among tall subalpine firs. I was at an elevation of around a mile up, but only a mile away from the visitor center for which I spent most of my time. I felt reflective that day--searching for a spiritual sense of self. The crowds had overwhelmed me. As an introvert, I needed quiet. Then something caught my eye. A shadow above me. I looked up to see the blood red wings of a red tail hawk. It swooped over me as if to wonder what I was and why I was there. Or it was to send me a message that this is a place untrammeled and I am suspect to being welcomed in his part.
But now the summer season has moved on to fall. A quiet descends upon my lake. I no longer climb to the ridge for work and haven't seen it for over a month. The sounds of the crowds have been replaced by rain. Tears of joy. Tears of life. Tears of pain. They are constant. And long after I've gone, they will continue coming down for a few minutes, a few hours, or a few days.
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