Returning to Alaska. In many ways it was bittersweet. The first thing I noticed was the lack of snow on the mountains. I saw it from the window of the airplane. It had been a long time since I saw my home city of Anchorage. It's been a long time since I was able to witness the snow capped mountains of the Chugach.

I was there to start a new adventure. Forest Ranger. Who'd have thought? At the end of our drive, we ended up at Portage Glacier where I was dropped off at the Forest Service bunkhouse: my home for the summer. Out there, there are no convenient stores. There are no shopping centers. There wasn't even cellular service. My only communication was the lone bunkhouse phone and a slow wireless internet connection. And in the early season, even the lodge was closed. The bunkhouse was nice though, with 13 bedrooms, two living areas, a double kitchen and dining area.